Hey Beauties,
You can experience financial hardship as a Black woman with children trying to support your family. However, did you know that there are free tools available for assistance to help you take care of the costs associoated with you child care, housing, and transportation?
State departments of human services offer child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance for children. Furthermore, housing agencies offer services to avoid homelessness as well as rental and homeownership help. The transportation department in your state will be able to provide information about public transportation as well. While there are agencies that may be avaibale to you to use them at no cost.
We have compiled a state by state list, but also be sure to search online for more relevant resources if you do not find what you are looking for below. By utilizing these tools, you may get the support you require to make sure that your family is secure, happy, and healthy, moving positively and progressivly into the next stage of your life.
Never forget that you are not alone. Every situation is temporary and there is support available to help you during difficult times. Take advantage of these tools and remember that asking for assistance is perfectly acceptable. At some point in our lives, we all require it.
Stay Strong. We Got This! 😍🥰😘
Be Well, Black Women
- Alabama:
- Alabama Department of Human Resources: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://dhr.alabama.gov/) or call 1-800-458-7214 for more information.
- The Community Food Bank of Central Alabama: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.feedingal.org/) or call 205-942-8911 for more information.
- Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for survivors of domestic violence. Visit their website (https://www.acadv.org/) or call their hotline at 1-800-650-6522 for more information.
- Alaska:
- Alaska Department of Health and Social Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (http://dhss.alaska.gov/Pages/default.aspx) or call 1-800-478-9996 for more information.
- Food Bank of Alaska: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.foodbankofalaska.org/) or call 907-272-3663 for more information.
- Alaska Coalition on Housing and Homelessness: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.achh.org/) or call 907-523-0583 for more information.
- Arizona:
- Arizona Department of Economic Security: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://des.az.gov/) or call 1-855-777-8590 for more information.
- St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.firstfoodbank.org/) or call 602-242-FOOD (3663) for more information.
- Arizona Housing Coalition: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://azhousingcoalition.org/) or call 602-340-9393 for more information.
- Arkansas:
- Arkansas Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://humanservices.arkansas.gov/) or call 1-855-372-1084 for more information.
- Arkansas Foodbank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://arkansasfoodbank.org/) or call 501-565-8121 for more information.
- Arkansas Homeless Coalition: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.arhomeless.org/) or call 501-372-5543 for more information.
- California:
- California Department of Social Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.cdss.ca.gov/) or call 1-833-487-0468 for more information.
- California Association of Food Banks: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.cafoodbanks.org/) or call 510-272-4435 for more information.
- California Homeless Youth Project: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for homeless youth. Visit their website (https://calyouth.org/) or call 415-442-5060 for more information.
- Colorado:
- Colorado Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://cdhs.colorado.gov/) or call 1-800-536-5298 for more information.
- Food Bank of the Rockies: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.foodbankrockies.org/) or call 303-371-9250 for more information.
- Colorado Coalition for the Homeless: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.coloradocoalition.org/) or call 303-293-2217 for more information.
- Connecticut:
- Connecticut Department of Social Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://portal.ct.gov/dss) or call 1-855-626-6632 for more information.
- Connecticut Food Bank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.ctfoodbank.org/) or call 203-469-5000
- Delaware:
- Delaware Department of Health and Social Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/) or call 1-866-843-7212 for more information.
- Food Bank of Delaware: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.fbd.org/) or call 302-292-1305 for more information.
- Delaware Housing Coalition: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://housingforall.org/) or call 302-654-0126 for more information.
- Florida:
- Florida Department of Children and Families: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.myflfamilies.com/) or call 1-866-762-2237 for more information.
- Feeding Florida: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.feedingflorida.org/) or call 727-209-2196 for more information.
- Florida Coalition for the Homeless: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://fchonline.org/) or call 407-426-1250 for more information.
- Georgia:
- Georgia Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://dhs.georgia.gov/) or call 1-877-423-4746 for more information.
- Atlanta Community Food Bank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://acfb.org/) or call 404-892-9822 for more information.
- Georgia Department of Community Affairs: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.dca.ga.gov/) or call 404-679-4840 for more information.
- Hawaii:
- Hawaii Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://humanservices.hawaii.gov/) or call 1-888-369-4777 for more information.
- Hawaii Foodbank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.hawaiifoodbank.org/) or call 808-836-3600 for more information.
- Catholic Charities Hawaii: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://catholiccharitieshawaii.org/) or call 808-524-4673 for more information.
- Idaho:
- Idaho Department of Health and Welfare: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://healthandwelfare.idaho.gov/) or call 1-877-456-1233 for more information.
- The Idaho Foodbank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://idahofoodbank.org/) or call 208-336-9643 for more information.
- Idaho Housing and Finance Association: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.idahohousing.com/) or call 208-331-4700 for more information.
- Illinois:
- Illinois Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.dhs.state.il.us/) or call 1-800-843-6154 for more information.
- Greater Chicago Food Depository: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.chicagosfoodbank.org/) or call 773-247-FOOD (3663) for more information.
- All Chicago: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://allchicago.org/) or call 312-379-0301 for more information.
- Indiana:
- Indiana Family and Social Services Administration: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.in.gov/fssa/) or call 1-800-403-0864 for more information.
- Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.gleaners.org/) or call 317-925-0191 for more information.
- Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.in.gov/ihcda/) or call 317-232-7777 for more information.
- Iowa:
- Iowa Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://dhs.iowa.gov/) or call 1-877-347-5678 for more information.
- Food Bank of Iowa: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.foodbankiowa.org/) or call 515-564-0330 for more information.
- Iowa Finance Authority: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.iowafinance.com/) or call 515-725-4900 for more information.
- Kansas:
- Kansas Department for Children and Families: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.dcf.ks.gov/) or call 1-888-369-4777 for more information.
- Kansas Food Bank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.kansasfoodbank.org/) or call 316-265-3663 for more information.
- Kansas Housing Resources Corporation: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.kshousingcorp.org/) or call 785-296-5865 for more information.
- Kentucky:
- Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://chfs.ky.gov/) or call 1-855-306-8959 for more information.
- Feeding Kentucky: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://feedingky.org/) or call 859-986-7422 for more information.
- Kentucky Housing Corporation: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.kyhousing.org/) or call 502-564-7630 for more information.
- Louisiana:
- Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (http://www.dcfs.louisiana.gov/) or call 1-888-524-3578 for more information.
- Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://no-hunger.org/) or call 504-734-1322 for more information.
- Louisiana Housing Corporation: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.lhc.la.gov/) or call 225-763-8700 for more information.
- Maine:
- Maine Department of Health and Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/) or call 1-800-442-6003 for more information.
- Good Shepherd Food Bank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.gsfb.org/) or call 207-782-3554 for more information.
- Maine State Housing Authority: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.mainehousing.org/) or call 207-626-4600 for more information.
- Maryland:
- Maryland Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://dhs.maryland.gov/) or call 1-800-332-6347 for more information.
- Maryland Food Bank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://mdfoodbank.org/) or call 410-737-8282 for more information.
- Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Pages/default.aspx) or call 301-429-7400 for more information.
- Massachusetts:
- Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.mass.gov/orgs/department-of-transitional-assistance) or call 1-877-382-2363 for more information.
- The Greater Boston Food Bank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.gbfb.org/) or call 617-427-5200 for more information.
- Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-department-of-housing-and-community-development) or call 617-573-1100 for more information.
- Michigan:
- Michigan Department of Health and Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs) or call 1-855-275-6424 for more information.
- Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.gcfb.org/) or call 866-453-2637 for more information.
- Michigan State Housing Development Authority: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.michigan.gov/mshda) or call 517-373-8370 for more information.
- Minnesota:
- Minnesota Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://mn.gov/dhs/) or call 1-800-657-3698 for more information.
- Second Harvest Heartland: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.2harvest.org/) or call 651-484-5117 for more information.
- Minnesota Housing: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.mnhousing.gov/) or call 651-296-7608 for more information.
- Mississippi:
- Mississippi Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.mdhs.ms.gov/) or call 1-800-345-6347 for more information.
- Mississippi Food Network: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.msfoodnet.org/) or call 601-973-7085 for more information.
- Mississippi Home Corporation: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.mshomecorp.com/) or call 601-718-4642 for more information.
- New Hampshire:
- New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/) or call 1-800-852-3345 ext. 9700 for more information.
- New Hampshire Food Bank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.nhfoodbank.org/) or call 603-669-9725 for more information.
- New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.nhhfa.org/) or call 603-310-9275 for more information.
- New Jersey:
- New Jersey Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.state.nj.us/humanservices/) or call 1-800-792-9773 for more information.
- Community FoodBank of New Jersey: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://cfbnj.org/) or call 908-355-3663 for more information.
- New Jersey Department of Community Affairs: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.nj.gov/dca/) or call 609-292-4080 for more information.
- New Mexico:
- New Mexico Human Services Department: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.hsd.state.nm.us/) or call 1-800-283-4465 for more information.
- Roadrunner Food Bank of New Mexico: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.rrfb.org/) or call 505-349-8909 for more information.
- New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://housingnm.org/) or call 505-843-6880 for more information.
- New York:
- New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://otda.ny.gov/) or call 1-800-342-3009 for more information.
- Food Bank For New York City: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.foodbanknyc.org/) or call 212-566-7855 for more information.
- New York State Homes and Community Renewal: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://hcr.ny.gov/) or call 212-480-6700 for more information.
- North Carolina:
- North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.ncdhhs.gov/) or call 1-800-662-7030 for more information.
- Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.secondharvestmetrolina.org/) or call 704-376-1785 for more information.
- North Carolina Housing Finance Agency: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.nchfa.com/) or call 919-877-5700 for more information.
- North Dakota:
- North Dakota Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.nd.gov/dhs/) or call 1-800-755-2716 for more information.
- Community Action Partnership: Provides a range of services, including child care assistance, energy assistance, and housing assistance. Visit their website (https://www.capnd.org/) or call 701-255-2022 for more information.
- North Dakota Housing Finance Agency: Offers resources for affordable housing, including rental assistance and homebuyer assistance. Visit their website (https://www.ndhfa.org/) or call 701-328-8080 for more information.
- North Dakota Department of Transportation: Provides information on public transportation options in North Dakota. Visit their website (https://www.dot.nd.gov/) or call 701-328-2500 for more information.
- Ohio:
- Ohio Department of Job and Family Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://jfs.ohio.gov/) or call 1-844-640-6446 for more information.
- Mid-Ohio Foodbank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.midohiofoodbank.org/) or call 614-277-3663 for more information.
- Ohio Housing Finance Agency: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://ohiohome.org/) or call 888-362-6432 for more information.
- Oklahoma:
- Oklahoma Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.okdhs.org/) or call 1-405-521-3646 for more information.
- Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://rfbo.org/) or call 405-972-1111 for more information.
- Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.ohfa.org/) or call 405-419-8207 for more information.
- Oregon:
- Oregon Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.oregon.gov/dhs) or call 1-503-945-5600 for more information.
- Oregon Food Bank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.oregonfoodbank.org/) or call 503-282-0555 for more information.
- Oregon Housing and Community Services: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.oregon.gov/ohcs) or call 503-986-2000 for more information.
- Pennsylvania:
- Pennsylvania Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.dhs.pa.gov/) or call 1-800-692-7462 for more information.
- Second Harvest Food Bank of the Lehigh Valley and Northeast Pennsylvania: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://shfblv.org/) or call 610-434-0875 for more information.
- Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.phfa.org/) or call 717-780-3800 for more information.
- Rhode Island:
- Rhode Island Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.dhs.ri.gov/) or call 1-855-697-4347 for more information.
- Rhode Island Community Food Bank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://rifoodbank.org/) or call 401-942-6325 for more information.
- Rhode Island Housing: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.rihousing.com/) or call 401-457-1234 for more information.
- South Carolina:
- South Carolina Department of Social Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://dss.sc.gov/) or call 1-800-616-1309 for more information.
- South Carolina Department of Education: Provides information on early childhood education programs and resources. Visit their website (https://www.ed.sc.gov/) or call 803-734-8500 for more information.
- South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control: Offers resources for health care and immunizations for children. Visit their website (https://scdhec.gov/) or call 1-855-472-3432 for more information.
- South Carolina State Housing Finance and Development Authority: Provides resources for affordable housing, including rental assistance and homebuyer assistance. Visit their website (https://schousing.com/) or call 803-734-9645 for more information.
- South Carolina Department of Transportation: Provides information on public transportation options in South Carolina. Visit their website (https://www.scdot.org/) or call 803-737-1200 for more information.
- South Dakota:
- South Dakota Department of Social Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://dss.sd.gov/) or call 1-800-430-7685 for more information.
- Feeding South Dakota: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://feedingsouthdakota.org/) or call 605-335-0364 for more information.
- South Dakota Housing Development Authority: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.sdhda.org/) or call 605-773-3181 for more information.
- Tennessee:
- Tennessee Department of Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.tn.gov/humanservices) or call 1-866-311-4287 for more information.
- Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://secondharvestmidtn.org/) or call 615-329-3491 for more information.
- Tennessee Housing Development Agency: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://thda.org/) or call 615-815-2100 for more information.
- Texas:
- Texas Health and Human Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://hhs.texas.gov/) or call 2-1-1 for more information.
- Central Texas Food Bank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.centraltexasfoodbank.org/) or call 512-282-2111 for more information.
- Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.tdhca.state.tx.us/) or call 512-475-3800 for more information.
- Utah:
- Utah Department of Workforce Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://jobs.utah.gov/) or call 1-866-435-7414 for more information.
- Utah Food Bank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.utahfoodbank.org/) or call 801-978-2452 for more information.
- Utah Housing Corporation: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.utahhousingcorp.org/) or call 801-902-8200 for more information.
- Vermont:
- Vermont Department for Children and Families: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://dcf.vermont.gov/) or call 1-800-479-6151 for more information.
- Vermont Foodbank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.vtfoodbank.org/) or call 802-476-3341 for more information.
- Vermont State Housing Authority: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.vsha.org/) or call 802-828-3295 for more information.
- Virginia:
- Virginia Department of Social Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.dss.virginia.gov/) or call 1-800-552-3431 for more information.
- FeedMore: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://feedmore.org/) or call 804-521-2500 for more information.
- Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.dhcd.virginia.gov/) or call 804-371-7000 for more information.
- Washington:
- Washington State Department of Social and Health Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://www.dshs.wa.gov/) or call 877-501-2233 for more information.
- Northwest Harvest: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.northwestharvest.org/) or call 206-625-0755 for more information.
- Washington State Department of Commerce: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.commerce.wa.gov/) or call 360-725-4000 for more information.
- West Virginia:
- West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://dhhr.wv.gov/) or call 1-877-716-1212 for more information.
- Mountaineer Food Bank: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://mountaineerfoodbank.org/) or call 304-364-5518 for more information.
- West Virginia Housing Development Fund: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.wvhdf.com/) or call 304-391-8600 for more information.
- Wisconsin:
- Wisconsin Department of Children and Families: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/) or call 1-888-947-6583 for more information.
- Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wisconsin: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://www.secondharvestmadison.org/) or call 608-223-9121 for more information.
- Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://www.wisconsinhousingsearch.org/) or call 608-266-7884 for more information.
- Wyoming:
- Wyoming Department of Family Services: Offers child care assistance, food assistance, and cash assistance. Visit their website (https://dfs.wyo.gov/) or call 1-800-457-3659 for more information.
- Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies: Provides food assistance. Visit their website (https://wyomingfoodbank.org/) or call 307-265-2172 for more information.
- Wyoming Community Development Authority: Offers resources for housing and transportation assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website (https://wyomingcda.com/) or call 307-265-0603 for more information.
Beauties, Please share any additional resources you know of and we will add them to the list.
Love the links and resources list. Thank You